Friday, November 11, 2011

Nursery Time Fun!

I just got called to be a Nursery Leader!  I am absolutely thrilled.  I am excited to help the older nursery children be prepared for Sunbeams.  These first two weeks have been wonderful.  We have 8 boys and no girls that attend regularly.  Much to my surprise these cute, rambunctious, boys love lesson time, singing time, and anytime that we read a story to them, sit and do File Folder Games with them, or help them build with Lincoln Logs or put puzzles together.
I was on the phone earlier with a Finch Family Games customer who has been in Nursery for 6 years and still loves it.  Some things she does that I thought were great suggestions and I will learn to follow her example are:
  1. Have 20 minutes of singing time, she uses several Finch Family Games song visuals for Primary Singing Time.  Here is a list of some Primary Singing Time song visuals that will be fun to use for Nursery Time:The Family
    It's Autumn Time
    I am a Child of God
    The House Built on the Rock
    Song of Thanks
    I Pray in Faith
  2. Make each of the kids a Finch Family Games file folder game at least 4 times a year.  These are very nice gifts to share with the nursery kids.  They can be used during sacrament meeting to help these young children be reverent.  My 2 year old looks forward to after the sacrament is passed so he can sit with the file folder games and match shapes or colors or patterns.  Suggestions for File Folder Games to make for Nursery children: Missionary Mix N Match
     Nephi's Ship Shapes
     Ark Animals
    Food Is Fun
    Super Sunday Shapes
    Make A Manger
    Mom's Purse 
    My Happy Family
    and much, much more
  3. According to this sister Nursery is the best calling and she loves it.  I think this is a great attitude to have for any calling we have and I very much admire her devotion to her calling for six years and has kept a great attitude and doesn't burn out.
I would love to see your LDS Nursery Ideas.  For all my fellow LDS Nursery Leaders here is a Freebie:  Get My Happy Family file folder game for free with the coupon code: ILOVENURSERY.